Saturday, May 13, 2017

Discovering an Ancient Future

Mmm, Bali. A tropical, paradise island in Indonesia home to volcanic mountains, coral reefs and green paddies; it is rich with culture, high in spirit and the perfect place to hold a consciousness raising festival. So that's what happened!  We were introduced to The New Earth movement, a consciousness raising initiative run by an eclectic group of individuals that have backgrounds spanning different professions, from tribal leaders to scientists; it brings together ancient wisdom and modern developments to create a conscious future. 
The New Earth, Ancient Futures Festival was the first of its kind; held in the beautiful surroundings of Ubud, Bali. A charismatic and passionate man named Sacha Stone who is one of the main initiators of the movement, hosted the event at his incredible residence. His vision took the form of intricate bamboo structures that were weaved together in different sacred geometric forms. For those that don't know, 'sacred geometry' mimics designs found in nature; the mathematic ratios and proportions of these designs are found in such natural formations as shells, flowers, music, light and the human body to name a few. Ancient cultures have utilised these designs to channel the energy within sacred spaces like the Ancient pyramids of Egypt, medieval cathedrals in Rome or Hindu temples in India. By designing structures in this way it effects the entire dynamic of a room; its circulation, lighting, sound and energy flow. By integrating materials such as copper, it can serve to ground ones energy. The earths surface is naturally charged with electrons that are pushed up into our body to the top of our head causing a potential within our being. As copper is commonly used in devices as an electrical conductor, it can be used to conduct our own electrical energy downwards, through our feet that are in contact with the earth. One structure, the 'bio-arc healing dome' was lined with copper wiring in-between the wooden floorboards climbing all the way up, into the center of the dome. This sacred structure is where we experienced our first workshop of the festival. 

L, R & I <3
The workshop we chose to attend was lead by 'G' , an extraordinary woman and the pioneer of cacao ceremonies to Bali. The cacao plant is traditionally used in many South American rituals as a powerful, heart opening tool. Everyone sat in a circle and in the middle was a jug of thick cacao mixed with wild honey, hot water, cajun pepper and other spices to help activate the natural properties of the cacao. We went round in a circle, sharing our intention for being there and pouring the cacao into small glasses to drink when we felt ready. G lead us through a two hour, meditative journey in which we danced, screamed and released that which did not serve us. Through this process, we paid respect to the sun, water, earth, wind and ether elements that work together to grow and nurture the cacao plant. Some people had profound experiences as the spirit of the cacao worked through them; shaking spastically, bursting into tears or screaming with laughter - it was amazing to see everyone in such a raw state of being. That was my first afternoon of the Ancient Futures healing process. By the end of that day my fear had melted away and my heart felt so expansive; R and I officially committed to our connection and went into the night rolling with the rhythm of the universe.

That evening and for the next 4 to come everyone danced in ecstasy to an eclectic mix of musicians and performers from all over the world; a group of sufi drummers playing the sounds of India, a Gypsie folk band from California playing instruments I've never even seen before, a dystopian breakdancing group, stand up poets and funky DJ's. The best part? Everyone was sober. The festival guidelines stated that drugs and alcohol were unwelcome but looking at the crowd, you'd never have guessed.

Every day of the festival was themed around a different element. The 'water' day was my favourite; in each beautifully decorated venue around the festival there was a different talk, workshop or meditation about this element. Some were more informative; explaining the water shortage in Bali or the global travesty of what is happening to our water sources; did you know, when water moves through 90° angles (e.g. in the pipes that it must go through before it reach our taps), the natural charge/ beneficial potential of the water is reduced. With the addition of heavy metals, fluoride and other toxic substances to the human body, it essentially becomes 'dead water', stripped of all its natural benefits or 'purified' as the cooperations advertise. The messages had a strong impact and the intention was to raise awareness and empower everyone to become protectors of water; social activists for the precious natural resources we so often take for granted. The negative facts were met with positive solutions; for example we were taught that if water moves through a vortex the molecules are re-energised and re-charged, restoring its beneficial potential. So devices exist that can re-charge our water or, given that our bodies are made of 70% water and our mind is our powerhouse, we can simply set intentions before drinking/ using it to maximise its effect on our body (check out Masaru Emoto for more!). A few scientists attended the gathering and although some things went over my head, you could see that the research of these professionals was extensive. "MNI WICONI", we all shouted - 'water is life'.

Every day I began to feel stronger and every day my consciousness began to expand. As everyone's energy began to merge, our collective frequency intensified. One day as everyone was lining up to get their beautiful cooked, locally sourced vegan food, I wondered through the hippie paradise. I dipped my toe into the healing pool that was lined with crystals, feeling so grateful for being in that magical space. Everyone was going through a healing process of some kind, some metamorphosis - releasing the old and welcoming the new, we were all equally vulnerable and equally receptive. There was little room for judgement but lots of room for expression and expansion; in the process many real connections were made. By the end of the festival, unlike most others, my memory was intact and full of knowledge. Through the transformational breathing, soul healing and body work we had tapped into that inner wisdom that everyone has the potential to reach. 

I left our lovely villa and said goodbye to R, L and all the other beautiful souls I had connected with; I looked out the window at the lush green rice paddies of Ubud and the old stone temples strewn with faded flags. It was time now to take what we had learned from the wisdom keepers and inspirational speakers and share it; as part of the movement to consciously create the new earth we want to live on. I am so grateful to Bali, the hosts, organisers, volunteers, guests and everyone in-between who made the experience possible, Aho.